Final Word from Tuesday, October 5, 2004

When we asked Pedro Pick in March whether he'd like us to write a piece comparing his battle against cancer to Alan Levy's, he said he "plans to fight the cancer blow by blow, so don't write the final word on me yet." Pedro was less well-known than the founding editor of The Prague Post. Many Czechs might only remember a shadowy Pedro Pick as he shuffles down a rainy street in a TV report about alleged bribery in the original SPT Telecom privatization. But Pedro was well-known and respected in Prague business circles for his advisory work, his company turnarounds and as founder of the Lípa discussion forum. An emigrant to Venezuela and then the U.S., he never stopped promoting the CR. His letters to friends and colleagues about his battle with a rare form of cancer evoked admiration, not pity. He died peacefully yesterday at home in Vermont. Český Telecom


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Czech Republic



FS Final Word