Final Word from Monday, March 25, 2002

campaign stay or sporitelna political the stir already most surely services backs status jumped intentional Just month change politics suspect Nadeje be must rendered announcement But Hope wrong say CSSD wants Kc analysts donations overlooking should Cesta smaller days each favors not that after thick zmeny and ODA as some from quo caused others statement at of ulterior CS Stack counterpart whether CEO CSNS nothing Pavel there parties This are given Jack far into they supporting democratic future by etc need over is with gifts CZ strong support it pleased simply process next contribution possible Kavanek The said Coalition to have his bankers ODS CSOB motives Ceska for mostly money but


Tel: 420 224 221 580

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E.S. Best s.r.o.
Ovenecká 78/33
170 00 Prague 7
Czech Republic



FS Final Word