Final Word from Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Careful readers of today's Czech press or the Fleet Sheet are starting to get a better idea of the machinations behind the removal of Radek Šnábl as the CR's top arbitration official. The picture that is crystallizing looks something like this: Nobody forced Šnábl to engage in VAT fraud, but he probably wouldn't have been convicted if he hadn't stepped on ČSOB's toes in the Nomura and IPB arbitrations. MFD broke the Šnábl story, but it was HN - which is close to ČSOB - that added the most fuel to the fire, calling into question Šnábl's results in the Nomura and ArcelorMittal arbitration cases. For good measure, HN quoted lawyer Radek Pokorný (also close to ČSOB), who said no respected law firm would touch Šnábl now. The goal, according to Pavel Páral in MFD, is to make sure the CR's IPB-related arbitration with ČSOB turns out in ČSOB's favor. Šnábl, it seems, isn't the only rogue in town.[Czech Republic MF Dnes Hospodářské noviny Ostrava]

Glossary of difficult words

rogue - a dishonest or unprincipled person;

rogues' gallery - a collection of police portraits of criminals;

to break a story - to be the first one to report a news story;

to add fuel to the fire - to cause a situation or conflict to become more intense, esp. by provocative comments;

for good measure - in addition to what has already been said or done;

to touch - (in this sense) to have something to do with someone.


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FS Final Word