Final Word from Monday, August 2, 2021
Pres. Jiří Kejval of the Czech Olympic Committee got into triple trouble just before the Tokyo Games began on July 23. First was the much-publicized positive testing of arriving Czech delegates. Second was the broad media attack on Kejval because an unvaccinated team doctor tested positive. And third was the attack within the part of Czech sports (Miroslav Jansta, Filip Neusser) that opposes what we call ČSSD a.s. and that counts Kejval among its chief remaining representatives. (Jansta has claimed that Kejval and ex-Education Min. Kateřina Valachová were being used by Jiří Bis of Bison & Rose to try to take control of Czech sports.) Normally, much of the media that have joined in the criticism of the Olympic Committee for its handling of the situation would be on Kejval's side, but the pro-vaccination agenda must take precedence. Kejval has now been saved by the gold, so to speak. Czech athletes are winning so many medals that his problems will soon be forgotten. [ Czech Republic Czech Sports Union ČUS National Sports Agency ]
Glossary of difficult words
saved by the gold - an allusion to the expression "saved by the bell."