Final Word from Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The Czech cabinet declared a battle on Sun. against what it called the hybrid-information war being waged against society by pro-Russian disinformation websites. It called on all entities with relevance in the matter to take measures to prevent the dissemination in cyberspace of false and misleading information that serves to manipulate the Czech population into justifying and approving the Russian military aggression against Ukraine. The cabinet also recommended banning eight offending websites, which was promptly heeded by the CZ.NIC domain operator. Another 22 sites are being reviewed by internet providers for a similar guillotining. This comes at a time when 95% of Czechs disagree with the invasion. František Vrabel, an expert on disinformation who works for various governments, told Czech Radio yesterday that he hopes Western leaders will finally understand that it is "impossible to fight disinformation with the truth." This also seems to be the attitude of the Czech cabinet. Surely this isn't what Václav Havel meant when he said that, "Truth and love must triumph over lies and hatred." [ Czech Republic Semantic Visions administrator NIC.CZ Petr Fiala war ]

Glossary of difficult words

to guillotine - to execute someone by guillotine; to cut off someone's head.


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FS Final Word