Final Word from Thursday, August 18, 2016

1) In the first weeks after the announcement was made, LN was the chief opponent of the police reorganization, and Právo became the biggest cheerleader for it. 2) Josef Koukal set the tone in Právo by writing on June 9 that the "hysterical" reaction by ANO suggested that the reorganization was a direct hit to the Babiš-Anticorruption Endowment-Šlachta nerve center. 3) On June 22, Radim Jančura said he is convinced that Martin Roman was behind the reorganization and that Milan Chovanec is close to him. 4) On June 23, Právo's lead headline quoted Chovanec as saying, "The goal is to get rid of Tuhý and then me." 5) On July 18, the Final Word wrote that Právo "clearly struck some kind of deal with Chovanec to support his police reorganization." 6) From Aug. 6 to Aug. 18, the ČEZ Foundation ran 16 full-page ads in Právo for the Olympics, eight times more than in any other paper. 7) ČEZ is headed by Martin Roman's protégé, Daniel Beneš. [Czech Republic reform Aktuálně.cz ČSSD newspaper Nadace]

Glossary of difficult words

cheerleader - an enthusiastic and vocal supporter of someone or something; a member of a team that performs organized cheering, chanting, and dancing in support of a sports team at matches;

nerve center - the control center of an organization or operation;

protégé - a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person.


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